Supporting our mutual health, as well as keeping other clients healthy, is very important to me. Please read the following to prepare for your massage session.
- Complete a health form (for new clients only): Soule Wellness LLC Health Form.PDF
- Bring this form to your session. If you are unable to print it, a copy will be provided at your appointment.
- Drink plenty of water before and after your session.
- Park near the office door in the parking spot marked with a small green sign labeled "Massage Parking". Turn around in the parking area to exit instead of backing out on Route 202.
- If you feel ill (whether from a cold, flu, stomach flu, COVID-19 etc.) or have been in close contact with someone who is ill, please reschedule.
- No additional visitors are allowed to stay inside the office except for client guardians.
- Air purifier(s) will be operating.
Thank you.